This technique became popular in the 1970s thanks to the eponymous film. It creates a very pleasant feeling of tightness around the head of the penis — the most sensitive zone for many men. This is a rather complicated technique and requires prior training.
Getting ready
Without training you won’t be able to impress your partner with this technique, most likely because of the gag reflex. It takes time to adjust the body’s response to certain effects. In this case, it is better to train on a dildo, and it is better to avoid practicing on elongated vegetables and other phallic objects.
Training: We advise you to do it alone, so you don’t get embarrassed. Make yourself comfortable, stretch out your neck and put your head back a little bit. Lubricate the dildo with lubricant, take a deep breath and don’t rush to put the toy in. If you start to vomit, stop, take a deep breath and try again. The more training you have, the faster you can learn to control your gag reflex.
Before the practice it is important to relax. Fear is another reason that prevents you from enjoying “deep throat”.
Create the mood, take a bath together, give each other a relaxing massage. If it’s your first time, do everything very slowly and carefully. Ask your partner not to move his hips, not to hold your head, and to allow you to direct the depth. This will help avoid tension and unconscious fear.
Which position to take? No exact answer here. You have to find your own. The most comfortable position depends on your skill, shape, size and curvature of the penis. You can start by lying on your back so that your head will hang from your bed, your mouth and your throat on the same line. The partner gets on his knees, leans forward with his elbows on the bed. You take a deep breath and you start by taking the penis in.
Later (if you enjoy this practice) when you learn to control your breathing, you can experiment with postures, your movements and movements of your partner, and add tongue fondling.