A mold of genitalia is a “portrait” of the body parts that mean a lot to you. It can be made of plaster or silicone. In the first case, you’ll need a visit to the workshop, and in the second, you’ll just buy a casting kit in the sex shop. It is a fascinating collaborative experience. Creativity and practice that promotes acceptance of your body. We highly recommend it!
Getting ready
The practice of genitalia sculpting has a therapeutic effect, contributing to the acceptance of the body and its features.
Discuss what kind of portrait you would like to end up with. For example, it may be a cast of a penis alone or a penis in the partner’s hand. Discuss what you expect from such an unusual experience.
If you want a cast of plaster, you should find a suitable workshop. The process entails plaster solution applied to the genitals through a film. After the solution hardens, you end up with a sculptural composition of intimate parts of the body.
You need to go to the workshop together. The girl will support the partner’s erection. With the workshop and the penis sinking into a cold substance, it’s pretty challenging. You can bring an erection ring, it can make the process much easier.
With the female parts sculpture it is much simpler. The feeling is unusual but pleasant. Take some time to look at the cast of your vulva. This is very interesting.
If you want a silicone cast of a penis, just follow the instructions in the sex shop set (alas, it is very difficult to find such a kit for girls). The principle is the same as in the case of a plaster cast: the penis is lowered into a silicone solution, and a special ring helps to maintain the erection.
The resulting imprints of your genitalia can be placed on the shelf as decor.